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Re-entry Registration

North Carolina Business Emergency Operations Center

NC Disaster Vendor Re-entry Certification


The NC Business Emergency Operations Center (BEOC) administers and services the state's Disaster Vendor Re-Entry Certification process in accordance with NCGS §166A-19.70.

To protect the health, safety, and well-being of North Carolina citizens and to ensure the availability of critical supplies and services, Re-Entry Certification allows businesses, their employees and other organizations access to restricted and curfew areas. This is a state-wide program that is free to businesses, valid for three years, renewable, and enhances preparedness, response, and recovery of North Carolina communities and businesses.  
By Executive Order of the Governor, local officials can use Re-Entry to identify persons with access and level of priority by the classifications of Life, Health Safety, or Economic Well-being. Decisions to evacuate, set curfews, restrictions, barricades, as well as routes into and out of restricted areas, are under the authority of local governments.
In the event of a disastrous event, such as a hurricane or evacuation, Re-Entry Certificates may be used pre-disaster to pre-position vehicles, equipment, stage crews, or make deliveries in preparation of severe weather. Re-Entry Certificates may also be used post-disaster for aid in the restoration of critical services and businesses that sustain communities in recovery operations. 
Re-entry certification is not necessary for movement between your home and place of business in the event of a Stay-at-Home Order. 
Private sector businesses operating in North Carolina or supporting businesses in the state may apply for a Vendor Disaster Re-Entry Certification by following the process outlined below.


Re-entry Guidance/Process

Guidance for Issuance of Certificates of Post Disaster Re-entry

Process for Re-Entry Registration

  1. Complete the Application for Re-Entry Certification.

  • Applicant must indicate what sector(s) their organization best represents and provides an explanation as to the nature of the business, their need for access, and business location(s) within North Carolina.

  • Applicants must provide a minimum of (Qty: 2) points-of-contact at their organization who will serve as representatives with signatory authority.

  • BEOC staff will review the application and will contact the applicant if additional information or clarity is needed. 

  1. Once an application has been preliminarily accepted, the BEOC staff will create a vendor record on behalf of the applicant and will email the applicant with details on how to access and log into the Partner Portal

  2. The applicant shall sign into the Partner Portal and complete their vendor record:

    • Main corporate address and industry/sector category

    • A minimum of (Qty: 2) points-of-contacts

    • Location info for additional facilities/location(s)

    • Digitally sign the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)

  3. Once an MOA is signed, the system will tag the record for review and a member of the BEOC will complete a final review of the vendor record. An access category of Life, Health & Safety, or Economic Well-Being shall be assigned, and the vendor record will be marked as certified. The completed certification is recorded and maintained within WebEOC (our data and crisis management platform). An email will be sent to the applicant confirming their Disaster Vendor Re-Entry Certification approval.

  4. The applicant can then access their certificate(s) through the self-service Partner Portal at their leisure, in order to update corporate info, points-of-contacts, and/or facilities – or to download and print their certificate, as needed.

NC Disaster Vendor Re-Entry Certifications are valid for a period of three years and are free of charge. For expedited processing, it is highly recommended that applications and renewals be submitted prior to hurricane season, which begins 1 June.    

For further information about the Disaster Vendor Re-Entry Certification Program, please contact the North Carolina Business Emergency Operations Center (BEOC) at, or by phone at 919-825-2454.

 Address. 429 Canton Highway, Cumming GA 30044

Tel. US+1 404-300-9668

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